Japanese interpretation and translation

Experienced Japanese interpreter, translator and coordinator for the following tasks: technical visits, meetings, product training, websites, newsletters, correspondence, etc.

For the past 30 years I have worked professionally with Japanese-Danish and English languages. I have seen great conversation taking place through interpretation. With a Japanese interpreter and translator, customers can express themselves in great nuance in their own language and leave the troublesome translation to the interpreter. Japanese and Europeans have great respect for each other and with the right communication, the cooperation in business and culture can develop successfully.

Using a Japanese interpreter and translator is recommendable, when cooperation with Japan is initiated. The risk for misunderstanding is lowered and mutual trust is built up faster, when communication is thorough interpreter.

On this page I describe my services and invite you to take contact, when the need for Japanese communication comes up

You and your company deserve the best

  • Japanese translation and interpretation in high quality level
  • Guaranteed correct terminology based on experience
  • Experience from +13 year’s residence in Denmark
  • Professional indemnity insurance
  • On time delivery
  • Garanteed confidentiality
  • Personal service and guidance

Why do business with Japan

Japan is the world’s third largest economy after USA and China, and has traditionally had a large buying power for Danish products. The Royal Danish Embassy in Tokyo very actively helps Danish companies to take part in the vibrant Japanese market. Below, please find link to the Danish representation in Japan.

The Embassy in particular mentions the following industries as high growth potentials for Danish companies in Japan:

  • Healthcare, welfare, health food and medicial device
  • Energy and environment
  • IT and telecommunication
  • Pharma products

The Japanese are very interested in Danish society, but the culture and media are very different from Denmark’s. You can take a look at Japan’s media via the web. One example is the Japan Times, which is the oldest and best known English media in Japan. 

Japanese investments

Japan is not only an attractive market for Danish companies. It is also a big investor to Denmark and the Nordics.

“Industriens fond” promotes cooperation between Asia and Nordic fremmer companies through the project “Innovation Lab Asia”. On their homepage they report on the business opportunities in Japan:

We want to create real partnerships in Asia, with a special focus on Japan. Why? Because we firmly believe that Japan right now provides the highest potential for Nordic startups and investors looking to Asia. Japanese investments to the Nordics have skyrocketed since 2013, and Nordic solutions have a particular resonance on the Japanese market.

Regularly newsletters are published describing the business cooperation between the countries. The newsletters are translated into Japanese and can be reached in the below link.

Contrary to common belief, Denmark enjoys a massive trade surplus with Japan: Exports in 2017 were 22 bill. DKK, Imports were less than 7 bill